Window Fashions that are PET-FRIENDLY

Everyone in Tallahassee enjoys a nice view on a sunny day and the right window treatments make getting the most out of your home’s windows to the world even more enjoyable. There is one family member you ‘ll probably overlook when considering your window treatments-and that member is your pet. Just like us, our animal companions enjoy soaking up sunshine, taking in the day and hanging out in comfortable room.

Unlike humans our pets don’t have the ability to manipulate the window treatments on their own and that’s a very good thing! If you’re interested in finding pet-friendly window treatments, consider the tips we’ve assembled to help you make sure your windows aren’t win-don’ts for your furry friends.



Life with pets requires more time to tidy up now and then. That doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your favorite styles, colors, or materials when choosing a window treatment. From easy to clean and energy efficient Honeycomb shades to the durable and striking beauty of Shutters, many modern window treatments are available in a wide variety of materials and lift systems that are designed to be pet-friendly.  Whether you’re concerned about wiping away the occasional pawprint or the need to vacuum after a season’s vigorous shedding, it’s easy to find the right pet-friendly window treatments for you and your pet.


In Tallahassee and most of the world, our fur babies are our children and like children they need to be kept safe from potential dangers. Dangling cords not only get tangled but present an all-too-tempting target for the curiosity of cats and dogs who might mistake a cord-pull for a toy! Aside from the risk of having your window treatments damaged or worse, your pet could also harm themselves if they become tangled in or swallow any of the cord components. Cordless lift systems are now available on most window fashions (FACT: One of our major global partners is discontinuing the manufacture of corded treatments as of 1-22) and keep your pets safer while giving every window a clean, modern look that’s easy to use, easy on the eyes and adds beauty to your home.



Folks enjoy motorization for its convenience, the wow factor and ease of use. Pairing motorized window treatments with your Smartphone will enable you to control your treatments remotely but also set control timers. With a timer you have the flexibility to make sure your pet’s favorite sunny spot and cool napping corners are wide open or sheltered as desired throughout the day but really to manage each room’s light and privacy levels for human needs in a very easy way. All systems also feature a hand-held or wall mounted remote for real-time adjustments, so it’s uber easy to open things up for a bird-watching session and let the light in or close-down a room if the outside world’s just a little too stimulating or the need for privacy and light control is required.


Whether you’ve got two crazy kittens that are into everything or a small pack of pups who’d rather spend the day out of the sun, you can make your home a happier and much safer place for your pet with the right blinds, shutters, shades, and draperies. The friendly and knowledgeable experts at Made in the Shade-Tallahassee have helped many Tallahassee homes find the “purr-fect” blend of pet-friendly window treatments for their homes, and we are ready to do the same for you.